Friday, January 25, 2013

How to choose shoes reveal the men’s personality

Phan Ho Tan Phat
How to choose shoes reveal the men’s personality
If women are perceived through smell, choose shoes reveal the men’s personality. According to body language expert man, Straight Root, it can be divided into five types of select men's shoes with five characteristics:

Fixed a Model shoes: nostalgic people
This is the type of man who deeply remembers everything. If his lover is petulant children, they were very generous and wait patiently to show the maturity. For their friends, he is very enthusiastic, always ready to help when needed so he has a lot of good friends.

Expenditure savings in buying shoes: The conservative people
This person esteems the shoes which were purchased and hope can be used longer. He is cautious, extremely conservative. In relation to the people around him, he often applies rules, so it should be easy to have sinned against the people. In his career, he also has the opportunity to succeed.

Arbitrary in the choice of shoes: The spineless
He often does not pay attention to what kind of shoes, fit or not. Even with torn shoes, old style,  they do not bother. This person usually spineless, dreamy, unrealistic, always certain that I will be successful, and easy to fall into the illusion of self.

Like traditional black shoes: The paternalistic
He chooses the traditional black shoes which are always shiny, never old or dirty shoes. If the holidays or going dating, he still chooses black shoes, you should be careful, extremely patriarchal! With him, his opinion is extremely important. Do not try to change them because they always follow his principle.

Like sports shoes: The perfectionist
Men are usually very focused on lifestyle choices. For shoes they often require very high, shoes not only comfortable but sleek with costumes. They usually like to be active. They are very strict with myself, so fastidious in the choice of a mate.
He is careful, courtesy, polite, person and knows how to talk witty. He always knows how the girl form that he likes is. If you are not the kind of person he likes, he’s also friendly and enthusiastic. But that's only because he is a kind person. 

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